Filter to automatically fix basecolor and metallic PBR values in Substance Painter and/or Substance Designer.
It includes over 15 adjustable settings to fit your project's needs. Read more about the tool and documentation at
Version 1.0:
-Debug mode to see where the tool has located issues.
-Automatically adjust too dark and too bright basecolor values bumping them up/down to PBR friendly settings.
-Automatically clamp metallic so any value over 0.5 (linear) turns into white while the rest turns into black.
-Option to only fix basecolor or metallic or to fix both.
-Option to only fix the darkest basecolor values or the brightest or both.
-Option to manually set which value to target & fix.
-Option to fix any basecolor with metallic under 180 sRGB and bump it to 180.
-Option to also adjust the roughness on pure metallic parts.
-Option to allow a certain amount of grey values (float) or only allow black & white (binary).
-Option to manually set the value target for metallic.
-Option to enable anti aliasing.
-Option to clean up any small islands of non-metallic spots (only for binary).
-Option to enable blur for both basecolor & metallic or only one of them.
-Textbox with PBR values that can be used when manually setting value targets, list created by Iri Shinsoj
For use on an unlimited number of commercial projects with no limits on sales or views.
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